Wellness Connection MD
Welcome to the Wellness Connection MD podcast, where Dr. McMinn and Coach Lindsey become your partners on a quest for optimal wellness. Simply stated, our goal is to bring to you up-to-date, honest, vetted, unbiased, evidence-based information about health and wellness, along with practical solutions, in order to empower you to overcome your healthcare challenges, and to optimize your health in mind, body, and spirit.
As our population ages, and we are faced with an alarming epidemic of chronic diseases. Clearly, the current drug-based sick-care model of healthcare is simply not working. The cost of healthcare is skyrocketing for patients, and for our society at large, and legions of patients with chronic diseases are falling through the cracks of modern medicine. These people are often desperate to be heard, to be taken seriously, and to have their concerns adequately addressed. On the Wellness Connection MD podcast we will focus more on a preventive, lifestyle-based, functional, and integrative approach to optimal wellness. We challenge the medical community to "think different," while remaining evidence-based, while opening our minds to other viable therapies beyond drugs and surgery. We also advocate that this shift in thinking be accompanied by a renaissance of "loving kindness" in healthcare. Providers and patients would all benefit.
We are hopeful for the future of health care. Patients are demanding a new approach, and big medicine is beginning to listen. Fifteen years ago when we embarked on this journey integrative and functional medicine were hardly on the radar screen. However we now see that many of our most esteemed healthcare institutions have dedicated integrative or functional programs, such as Harvard, Duke, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt, UCSF and many others. Integrative and functional medicine are gaining credibility across the nation and around the world. We will all be better off for the change.
We hope that you will join us on this journey to optimal wellness on Wellness Connection MD. Take care and be well.
Wellness Connection MD
Mind Body Medicine
Modern medicine these days is often practiced in silos. We have an "ologist" for this (like a cardiologist) and an "ologist" for that (like a gastroenterologist), and they are often not talking to each other. However, in fact it is all connected, but very few doctors look at the big picture. The master connector of the entire body is the mind. As an old Chinese proverb says "The body is a puppet of the mind." On this show we are blessed to have with us Dr. Erica Young, one of the rare doctors that takes the time to connect the dots. She is an integrative MD, who practices top down medicine. She feels that the mind and the body are not separate, but instead they act as one. She takes the time to listen, and and she works with her expanded therapeutic toolbox of integrative therapies. She works with each patient to help him or her achieve his or her health care goals by optimizing mind, body, and spirit as one.
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